How to Plan Your Day And Be More Productive

For most of us, managing our time is just so hard to do. There is always that feeling of not doing enough and not being productive enough at the end of the day. Most of the time it is the reason behind our stresses. Nevertheless, there is still something we can do to combat against it. 

We already know how important planning is when it comes to working on a project and other work-related stuff. However, what we fail to realize is planning also works in our personal lives, especially when it comes to improving our time management skills. Thus, this post will give you tips on how you can manage your day to make it more productive. 

Tips on how to plan your day

1. Plan the Night Before

During your free time at night, spare some minutes to go on the things you will do the next day. Write down everything you need to do; it will help you have a preview of what will happen and also allows you to realize the amount of work needed to be done. By that, you will save valuable time and energy trying to figure out what to do first.  

Bonus tip: Since we are aiming to make a routine out of it, make sure to do your planning every night. Once you’ll get used to it, it will be second nature for you.

2. Determine Your Priorities

Every day we are juggling between our personal lives and career. And every day we are expected to fulfil our responsibilities towards both. That’s why the first tip is important. By writing down your tasks, you can determine which task should be your priority and which one isn’t. It’s either meeting up a deadline, submitting important reports, or picking up kids from the daycare. 

I’ve come across a twitter thread from Jennifer Lynn Barnes, a mom and young adult author, talking about how Nora Roberts, a best-selling romance author and a mom also, juggles career and work. When asked about how she balances work and being a mom, Roberts said, “The key to juggling is to know that some of the balls you have in the air are made of plastic and some are made of glass.”

planning the day
Pic from Jennifer Lynn Barnes twitter feed.

She further explains what Roberts means.  

planning the day
Pic from Jennifer Lynn Barnes twitter feed.

3. Set time on your tasks (time blocking)

After listing down all your activities and tasks and determining which is more important than the other, it’s now time to do time blocking. 

Time blocking allows you to set how long the time you will set aside for a certain task. Make sure to schedule the task that is on top of your priority list in the morning when your mind is still fresh and relaxed. However, it all depends on your preference. If you are not a morning person then you can schedule it in the afternoon. Also, allow yourself to have breaks in between work. Since time blocking helps you to be more focused, which in turn, makes you work quicker, you will have the time to take a breather. 

4. Do it again the following night

Always spare a few minutes to plan your activities the next day. Aside from saving time and energy, it will also lessen your stress. You can either maximize the use of technology and do digital planning, or go with the traditional one by using paper calendars or a planner. Make it a habit.