While houseplants undeniably add to the aesthetic of our homes, it isn’t the only reason while growing them is an excellent idea. Most importantly, it helps us improve our overall well-being. Various studies already showed how houseplants can improve the air we breathe in, at the same time it improves our social, mental, and emotional health. Ultimately, nurturing and growing houseplants can help us find inner peace (See: Houseplants And Its Effect To Your Well-Being).
Though many household plants are easy to grow, you still need to give them that tender loving care. That’s what people are most afraid of. It isn’t that hard actually. With a little research, you and your houseplants can grow together in perfect harmony.
The secret of being a successful plant parent lies in the way you can “mimic the climate of the place that plant came from.” When you give what the plants need, you will be rewarded with their healthy, and colorful glow.
Tips In Growing Houseplants
The usual reason why indoor plants die is either because of too much water or the lack of it. But, before you go crazy watering your indoor plant, the first thing you need to do is research what that plant needs. Some indoor plants like succulents, cacti, and sansevieria only need to be watered once in 2-3 weeks. Of course, you still have to consider the status of the soil. Once it gets dried up, the roots will also begin to die.
Water when…
– Soil becomes lighter in color or cracked.
– Gauge the weight after watering by picking up the plant. You’ll know when it needs to be watered base on its weight.
– Stick your finger in the soil to determine how moist or dry it is.
In growing houseplants, especially for beginners, it would be helpful to keep notes and schedule when you will check to water your plants. A fixed schedule of watering them is not advisable. According to Dr. Leonard Perry, a horticulture professor of the University of Vermont, houseplants shouldn’t be watered on a fixed schedule for the plants maybe “overwatered at one time of the year but under-watered at other times.”
Write your schedule when to check if your plants need to be watered on your paper calendar where it’s always visible, or in your digital calendar depending on what suits you best.
When deciding what houseplant to grow, research also on what kind of light it needs. Houseplants either need a high or medium to low light, and direct or indirect light.
Another reason to keep a note of your houseplants is for you to know when to fertilized them since indoor plants don’t get the regular source of nutrients. There are two ways to fertilize your houseplants; (1) water, (2) slow-release fertilizer. Aside from that, there are also natural ways to fertilize your plants by using eggshells, banana peels, etc. Check out Happy DIY Home to know more about the best natural fertilizer for houseplants.
When fertilizing through water, add a water-soluble fertilizer to the plant’s water about once a month in warm weather and once every two months in cooler weather.
On the other hand, when using a slow-release fertilizer, add it to the soil once every two to three months.
Read more at Gardening Know How: Care Of Houseplants: The Basics Of Growing Houseplants https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/hpgen/basic-care-of-houseplants.htm