How the 3-Month Calendar Helps in Achieving Sales Goals

In today’s digital era, we have apps for almost everything. You can record schedules on your phone, listen to music, and even watch movies anytime you want. The improvement in technology opened up a lot of possibilities. Nonetheless, there is also nothing wrong with staying with the basics like utilizing paper calendar, like a 3-month calendar, instead of turning to digital.

The paper calendar is not only valuable for household or personal use. It is also perfect for entrepreneurs in achieving their sales goals. Many industries can benefit in using a wall calendar i.e., service businesses, real estate agents, catering services, and e-commerce.

How to Set Sales Goals


When you are running a business, you don’t expect you’ll have a profit of a million or two right away. It will take time, and until your business grows and become stable, that would still be out of your reach. You need to set your target. What is your sales goal for the year? When you have a specific amount set in mind, divide it into quarters then break it into months (note of the changes in season that might affect your products or services).

Realistic actions

Now that you’ve set your sales goals, it is time for you to think of actions and plans to reach your target. What should you do to increase sales for this month? What was the best approach so far that made your business grow? Did sale conversion increase when you did this and that? When you are doing the right approach, achieving your target would be easier.

Review sales goals

For entrepreneurs, it is important to review sales weekly and record progress or even take note of the problems encountered for that week. It will give you a greater insight into how your actions affect your sales. If it doesn’t give you the desired result, you can do revisions with your actions right away.

How the 3-month view Calendar helps in Achieving Sales Goals

Entrepreneurs might think it is impossible to use a wall calendar in writing their schedules, much more in listing their targets because of its limited space. However, we made it all possible with our 3-month view wall calendar.

3 month calendar use to achieve sales goals

Our 3-month view calendar will save your time from flipping pages over and over again just to check your previous of future schedules. Besides, there will be no need to do a lot of flipping anyway since you can now view all of your schedules at a glance for the next months. You can use our move-a-page feature, one that allows you to reposition one calendar month page from one panel to another. It’s like having three full calendars in one panel.

In our 3-month view calendar, you can write what actions you will do every day to reach your sales goal. May it be calling to prospects, sending emails, or posting to any social media sites. The blocks are big enough for you to write all those activities. Aside from that, you can also record the sales you made weekly (you can use a different color to highlight its importance). In that way, you can easily see if you reach your monthly and quarterly targets.

There will be times when your business won’t be doing well. However, our 3-month view calendar will remind you there is always tomorrow. You might not reach your desired target for this month, but there will always be a next month and a month after next. Analyze the actions you’ve taken the past month that were written on your calendar and know what went wrong. From there, think of other actions you will do for the next month. Don’t forget you have a target to reach. We made it a 3-month view for a reason. That is, to give you hope that the next days will be better than the last.