2023 Digital Planner Dated Monthly Calendar for GoodNotes


Dated Colorful Fun Digital Monthly Planner for 2023, Vertical Style

Put some fun back into your planning with this dated 2023 monthly planner. This stunning calendar brings unique colors to every month. Make planning fun and easy with this calendar planner. The calendar starts in January 2023 and goes through December 2023.

2023 digital calendar


Life is hard with many events, projects, daily activities to keep track of. Never again forget an appointment, miss any payment or miss an important birthday or anniversary. Keep track of your important to-do list, projects, or notes in the provided space.

Stay organized with this fun planner. Keeping track of your appointments doesn’t have to be boring.

2023 digital calendar

You will receive a PDF file with monthly pages from January through December 2023. Each monthly page has the current month dates with plenty of space to write down appointments and events. At the bottom of the page, there is space to write down your notes and comments for the months. You can use this with your planner app or print it for personal use.

2023 digital calendar


This planner is made to use with the GoodNotes app or other digital planning apps such as Zoom Notes, Xodo, NoteShelf, etc. Use it for iPads/Android Tablets in any PDF annotation app.
(apps are not included)

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